i Bonds

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We support your FICC businesses, from Fixed Income Analysis to Electronification and ETF’s. Two examples below for distribution and advanced index calculations, e.g. iNAV or duration-weighted portfolio asset swap spreads. 

Spreads vs 6es (EUR, GBP) and 3es (USD) | Bernhard Veltmann | T:+ 49 201 4868945 | F:+ 49 3212 1274182 | Indications only, please contact us for more details & index/portfolio analytics.


Table shows Green (Straight-) Bonds listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange in EUR, USD and GBP as of 4 December 2020. An “ESG”-flag, combined with an industryflag gives a quick overview; your data feed may allow a deeper analysis. A vendor overview covering detailed ESG data and their classifications provided by ICMA can be found here.

ipushpull license expired


Below the next table, chose the filter icon to configure your selection, e.g. HyPfe or IHS, Duration, iSpread. Where you discover more prices per intrument, they stem from different orderbooks, not illustrated here.

i Covered Bonds